Patina Effect Paint

From R 144.00


  • Creates a Patina effect on Copper, Bronze or Brass (select the metallic colour that you require).
  • You will receive Metallic Paint, Patina Effect Paint and Clear Top Coat.
  • Simple and Durable. Suitable for Interior & Exterior.
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Explanation of Patina

Patina is an oxidation layer, that forms over a long period, on the surface of copper, bronze and brass metals. The chemistry and colour of patina can vary depending on the composition of the air. Patina that forms in clean air results from a slow chemical reaction between copper, carbon dioxide and water. Pollutants such as chlorides, sulphides and sulphates in the air can also react and influence the colour of the patina. Blue-green is the most common colour of patina but sandstone-yellow, deep blue and a range of other colours can also develop. 
Copper occurs naturally but bronze and brass are made from a mixture of metals but have a high percentage of copper in them. Any metal that contains a high amount of copper can develop patina as it ages. When you see a greenish layer on these metals (usually called patina or verdigris) it’s because of a chemical reaction. The copper has reacted with water, carbon dioxide (and often other pollutants) in the atmosphere. 

Bronze and brass are called metal alloys and are made by mixing various types of metals together. Brass is an alloy that is usually made up of 67% copper and 33% zinc. Bronze is composed of 88% copper and 12% tin. Both of these metals have a high copper content, which is why they form the same patina as copper when they oxidize.

What we supply

The patina effect created by our paints is a metallic blue-green colour which is the most common and most well recognised colour of patina. Our paints create a partial patina effect where both the original metallic colour and the blue-green patina colour are visible (see picture of plant pot). 
(If you want a solid blue-green patina colour, as often seen on old Eurpoean statues, then simply paint with our Malachite Metallic Paint. In this case you will see none of the original metallic colour. Malachite is a common colour of Patina.)

There are various ways to create a patina effect using paint and all in involve using multiple products. When you buy Patina Effect Paint from us you will always receive 3 containers of paint:

  • Metallic Paint (Copper, Bronze or Brass)
  • Patina Paint
  • Clear Top Coat 
When ordering, please select your metallic colour and the container size. You will receive three containers of the size that you order. 
Note that this will not develop actual oxidised copper. Our paints create a patina effect that looks the same as patina developed by the oxidation of  copper. There are paint systems that supply paint with real copper and an acid that is applied over the paint to make the copper oxidise. Two advantages of our patina paint system are that there are no hazardous chemicals (no acids) and our paint can be easily painted over in the future. 

Instructions: Creating a Patina Effect using the supplied Bastion Paint products


Step 1: Paint the surface with Metallic Paint

Paint the surface with the Metallic Copper, Bronze or Brass Paint supplied. Use brush, roller or thin the paint with our Acrylic Spray Medium to air spray.
Usually only a single coat is required. Apply a second coat if visibly required. 

Step 2: Apply the Patina Paint over the Metallic Paint 

Apply one coat of the Patina Paint over the metallic colour using a normal paint brush. 

There are numerous ways to create an aged patina effect. All involve removing some of the patina paint to expose the underlying metallic colour. The more Patina Paint that you leave on, the older and more oxidised the appearance will be but always have at least 50% of the surface showing the underlying metallic colour.

Use one or a combination of the following methods to easily remove some Patina Paint:

  • Wipe the Patina Paint with a dry cloth before it has fully dried.
  • Wipe the dry Patina Paint with a damp cloth. On larger objects you may need to rinse the cloth several times. 
  • Use a dry steel brush or sandpaper to remove dry Patina Paint. This takes more effort that the above two methods. 

If you intend to scrub or sand off the dry Patina Paint, then let the underlying metallic colour (copper, bronze or brass) dry for 2 days before painting over it with Patina Paint. This is to ensure the metallic colour is hard enough to not be damaged by the mechanical process. 

Scrubbing and sanding will create dust so do this outside while wearing a fabric dust mask.

Step 3: Apply Clear Top Coat to seal 

Dust off the surface well with a dry cloth (no water) and then apply 2 coats of our Clear Top Coat over the Metallic and Patina Paints to seal them. Pour the Clear Top Coat that you intend to use into a separate container so that you don't contaminate the Clear Top Coat that you do not use.

When applying the first coat, the Patina Paint will tend to come off onto your paint brush and then get into the Clear Top Coat which can result in a dulling of the metallic colour or even a smudged appearance. Use a new soft paint brush and apply the first coat of Clear Top Coat lightly without trying to get a perfect finish or cover every single spot. Before dipping the brush into the Clear Top Coat again, squeeze the brush out by pressing it on the side of a waste container. For larger items with a high amount of Patina Paint left on, you will need to wash your paint brush as you go. One simple way is to wash your paint brush with water when it becomes greenish, dry it with a hair dryer and then continue.

Once the first coat of Clear Top Coat has dried, apply a second coat. Paint normally and cover all areas.

After this has dried, the painted item will be fine for exterior conditions. It will not fade and will be fully washable.  


Unit Size
Unit Size
1 Litre
5 Litre
Metallic Colour
Metallic Colour
Metallic Colour & Finish

Spread Rate:

Whatever container size you order, you will receive three containers of that size: Metallic Paint, Patina Paint and Clear Top Coat, 

The Metallic Paint can be applied directly to surfaces that normal acrylic paints can be applied to. Before applying the Metallic Paint, apply an applicable primer to surfaces that should be primed before painting. 

1 Litre of the Metallic Paint and the Patina Paint will cover approximately 10m2 per litre. Use only a single coat of each. Clear Top Coat will spread further. Apply two coats. 

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