Soft Pastel Metallic – Pearl Purple
- Subtle and Pastel shades of Pearl Purple are delicate metallic colours that give an elegant pearl finish. These should be applied over white.
- The Medium shade is in-between a light pearl pastel and a strong metallic colour and can be described as Metallic Lilac. it can be applied over any colour.
- Highly durable and stain resistant for interior and exterior applications.
Soft Pastel Metallic Paint - Pearl Purple
What you need to know about application
If Painting feature walls, large surfaces, very smooth surfaces or spraying our Metallic Paints then it is important that you read our document, "How to Paint with Metallic Paints". You can download this document from this web page, from the Technical section of this website or we can email it to you. The document covers painting with brush & roller and spraying.
You can find a summary of the most important points in the toggle page "Spread Rate & Application".
Unit Size |
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1 Litre
5 Litre